Art in this Time

“Art In This Time”
TJ Mabrey
One of Six Artists Exploring Their Worlds in Isolation
In three separate series of prints on exhibit, I contemplate “loss”.
One is the loss of “Beauty” – beauty that comes naturally with innocence and youth, but which in old age must be teased from a jar that comes in a box.
Then the loss of that sight which sees things clearly, immediately – not as a scintillating “Scotoma” or aura which can be defined either positive (seeing something that is not there) or negative (not seeing something that is there).
And there is the loss of movement – not just the body’s hesitation, but loss of adventurous desire to travel on an open “Ticket to Ride”.
These losses are not necessarily bad. They give the gift of time to be alone, in the isolation of the studio, to ponder, to wonder, and create.
For a video preview, go to
Six well-established Taos artists will open an exhibit of their work at Bareiss Gallery in late October 2020, Taos, New Mexico.
The gallery will open on two consecutive, 3-day weekends, October 22,23,24 and October 29,30,31, 2020, from 1-5pm.
The participating artists are: Jane Ellen Burke, Dora Dillistone, TJ Mabrey, Robert Parker, Jameson Wells, and Barbara Zaring. These artists continued making art, even in this time of chaos.
Artists work alone, for the most part. But this period of time has been uniquely isolating and confining. Normal patterns of life have been significantly altered. Dealing with this new reality has demanded change, detours, and new directions.
The artists invite everyone to visit the gallery to see their “Art in This Time”.
Bareiss Gallery,
15 Route 150, Taos Ski Valley Rd. El Prado, NM 87529
For more information: TJ Mabrey 575-613-3269
New Mexico protocol for masks and social distancing will be followed for the outdoor areas. A limited number of people will be permitted in the gallery at any one time.